the economic and ecological advantages of mulching technology
Forestry Mulching
Smart and Sustainable
Forestry Mulching is the new and sustainable way to clear away unwanted brush, small trees and efficiently convert undesirable trees, brush and stumps into an appealing mulch material that provides excellent ground cover and erosion control.
With this methodology, the landowner is left with a fresh carpet of mulch, naturally decomposing into rich topsoil.
Before the mulch has broken down through the decaying process, it will basically block most invasive species from being able to grow back as quickly which will allow native plants more of a chance to get a foothold in the area and will give the homeowner more of a fighting chance at keeping the underbrush cleared out.
Most importantly, mulching is faster and cheaper than traditional land clearing methods like “slash and burn” as it is a single-step process saving haul-off fees and at the same time there are no huge bulldozer piles left at the back of the landowner’s property!
As the mulch biodegrades it will feed the soil and eventually turns into a lush and healthy layer to nourish grass as well as the healthy trees which are left intact helping with erosion control at the same time.
Forestry Mulching
- A single-step process
- Seldom requires permitting
- Preserves and builds topsoil layer
- Low ground pressure
- Creates natural erosion control
- Workable in wet and snowy weather
- No burning, chipping or hauling
- No windrows or brush piles
- Recycles biomass
- Extremely selective
- Visually appealing
- Sustainable
- Less expensive landclearing
Cerating a nice layer of mulch
By putting the mulch back where you have removed the vegetation, you provide a natural barrier that will assist in preventing the regrowth of invasive species and promotes the growth of the natural vegetation.
When using a mulcher as a form of land clearing, you reduce the need to come back and fix up the land.
Conventional Clearing
- Multi-step process
- Generally requires permitting and site plan
- Damages and dislocates topsoil layer
- High ground pressure (compaction)
- Requires additional erosion control (silt fencing and catch basins)
- Highly weather dependent
- Often necessitates burning and/or chipping and hauling
- Leaves windrows and brush piles
- Discards biomass
- Damages nearby trees and vegetation
- Unsightly scarred appearance
- Unsustainable
- More expensive
Grubbing and dozing
In the end, you will have a massive pile of material that will either need to be hauled away or burned. This additional step can be somewhat time-consuming and costly.